This letter from our own Diane Morgan appeared in the April 12, 2022 Inquirer.
Stop the shootings
On March 6, my husband and I witnessed a murder on Broad Street in the Logan section. We had just dropped off our grandson at Temple University and were on our way home. We heard five shots. I looked across the street and saw a young man drop down between two cars and another man run away. We will never forget it! The following weekend, two girls were shot in their car near Temple when they tried to escape harassment from local boys. We know what to do, so do it! I urge the Pennsylvania House and Senate to increase funding for community violence intervention programs so local governments can work with identified high-risk communities. Pass HB 980/SB 217 to report lost/stolen guns and HB 1903/SB 134 for extreme risk protection so guns can be removed from a household where someone is unstable. I urge the federal government to ban automatic weapons. Enough!
Diane Morgan, Ambler