
Welcome Democratic Voter!

You are part of an historic change in voter registration that has made the Democratic Party the majority in Montgomery County. The ideas put forth by the Democratic Party have inspired and energized voters like you more than ever before.

Our Party had rousing election results this past November. We swept the Governor, Lt. Governor, U.S. Senate and Congress, as well as flipped the Pennsylvania State Legislature blue with a momentous win from Melissa Cerrato in the 151st. For full election results in Montgomery County, visit www.MCDC.org

Our local party organization, “Wissahickon Democrats,” represents Ambler, Lower Gwynedd and Whitpain Townships. We are also known as “Wiss Dems” or “Area 14.” Our job is to elect Democratic candidates at the local, state, and national levels. Our website is www.wissahickondems.com . Please visit to get on our mailing list, find ways you can get involved and attend our monthly meetings. Feel free to email Joyce Keller (Chair), Wiss Dems Area Leaders, here: info@wissahickondems.com

Meet your legislators who are doing an outstanding job serving you in our district. Congresswoman Madeleine Dean represents you in the 4th. At the State level, are our excellent State Senator Maria Collett in the 12th and State Representatives, Melissa Cerrato in the 151st, Liz Hanbidge in the 61st, Matt Bradford in the 70th

Please bookmark these webpages for easier access to Voter and Volunteer Resources:

Joyce Keller, Chair

Jennifer Stomsky, Ambler Borough Chair

Joyce Pickles, Lower Gwynedd Municipal Chair

Spencer Lewis, Whitpain Municipal Chair

Produced in house by the Wissahickon Democrats
